
MYPROFILE is an online behavioural assessment tool that evaluates individual behavioural preferences based on four key behavioural characteristics.

Each individual has unique behavioural preferences that can be identified and used to indicate that person’s responses to various situations.

Most people display a combination of behavioural types and MYPROFILE reflects these combinations by designating the dominant profile as the Primary Behaviour and the second and or third less dominant type as Secondary Characteristics. Combined they make up the applicants’ behavioural profile.

MYPROFILE is used by recruiters and employers around the world to determine whether candidates are a good fit for their organisations and company culture, avoiding costly mistakes and improving the overall effectiveness of their team.

MYPROFILE is also a highly effective tool for career development. Whether you are looking to transition in your career or enhancing your performance at your current place of work, the assessment provides valuable insight into your strengths and behavioural tendencies that can be used to focus your professional development.  The profile also helps boost and differentiate candidate profiles in job applications.

Myprofile reports feature

A Short and Concise Behavioural Profile of the Candidate

Style Graphs Indicating Intensity of Each Behavioural Dimension Preferred Working Conditions for This Person

How to Communicate Effectively for Maximum Performance

Key Behavioural Traits

The Candidate’s Value to the Organization

How Effective the Candidate Will Be On the Job

Career Choices that Best Suit This Person’s Behavioural Style Management Style and Strengths

A Review of The Person’s Work and Leadership Style

Wondering what our Myprofile assessment would reveal about you?

We believe that Career Transition is not just about helping our clients manage the uncertainty that entails change, but achieve more with every transition.

Outplacement services enable organizations and individuals manage the process of organizational change through the provision of career transition support and training.

A professional Career Transition Program can play a central role in assisting organisational transformation and career shifts.

With several decades of global experience across multiple industries, we are ideally positioned to serve individuals and organisations with diverse interests and objectives.